Life University offers small group Bible studies that can be applied to our daily lives. Currently, there are two classes offered on Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:00 am.
Twice a year Life University offers a semester of various classes on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. This happens in the spring, from February through April, and again in the fall, from September through November.
Lifeway: Explore the Bible in the West Wing, room 6100
These studies are designed to illuminate the historical, cultural, and biblical context of scripture. During the spring quarter, we’ll continue our study of Genesis. For many, family makes all the difference. Our families shape us and test us. In big and small ways, we are who we are because of them. In Genesis 20–50, readers get a deep dive into one particular family: the descendants of Abraham. Through these patriarchs, God built the nation of Israel and established a line to the Savior. What’s more, their examples of faith continue to resonate with Christ followers today. And these studies bring their stories to life. (13 sessions)
Ladies Small Group/Bible Study in the West Wing, room 6103
This group of ladies goes through the Bible one book at a time. The group has learned all about Peter- the fisherman, the kind of man he was, and has looked at his family life. This in-depth study goes verse by verse through 1st & 2nd Peter. It brings out truths that many people don’t see.
Wednesdays 6:00pm
Patterns of Evidence (Exodus)
Led by Jose Valentin in West Wing Room 7105
Unlock the mystery of this ancient saga by combining scientific investigation with a retelling of the Exodus story to reveal an amazing pattern of evidence matching the Biblical account that may challenge our understanding of history.
The Knowledge and Wisdom Gained from Studying Old Testament Bible Characters, Part 2
Led by Matt Work West Wing room 6100
Take a 10-week crash course on what we can learn from Old Testament characters. Following an overview of the characters and their history, dive deeper into a key aspect of each character and learn how to apply it to your life today.
The Foundations (Genesis)
Led by Scotty Willis in West Wing room 7105
There are only two foundations upon which we build – God’s word or Man’s word. This first shows up in Genesis 3:1 in the words of the serpent, “Did God really say…” and the great deceiver has continued to use this tactic ever since. If we base everything on God’s word, then we have a standard to work from. If we base everything on man’s word, the standard is based on each person’s preference and whim, leading to no standard at all.
(Also offered at 6pm on Monday and Tuesday)
The Knowledge of the Holy (Women’s Bible study)
Led by Katie Green in West Wing room 6103
Working through this book by A.W. Tower, gain more understanding of God’s attributes such as His infinitude, immutability, grace, and goodness.
Gateway Students (grades 7-12)
Led by Pastor Clay & Cindi Stevens upstairs in the Family Life Center
Middle and High school students are invited to hang out in our game room and hear a weekly challenge from Pastor Clay.
Thursdays 6:00pm
Psalm 23 (Young Women’s Bible Study)
Led by Ella Snyder & Gracie Green upstairs in the Family Life Center
Meet the Good Shepherd, the Lord, who promises to provide for every need of His flock. Though only 6 verses long, this psalm teaches profound truths about our loving and protective God.