Pickleball Evening Session
Pickleball Evening Session
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle Join us for Pickleball on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle Join us for Pickleball on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle If you want to learn how to play Pickleball, or just brush up on your skills before joining more advanced players, here's your chance. Join us on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle Join us for Pickleball on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
 LifeWay Explore the Bible in West Wing, room 610o Ladies Small Group Bible Study in West Wing room 6102 Students, grades 7-12 in the Family Life Center, room 5111. Sundays at 10:30 am: G-Force Kids, for grades K6-6th, begins in the Sanctuary. Kids will be dismissed to the Family Life Center gym where parents can pick them up immediately following the […]
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle Join us for Pickleball on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle If you want to learn how to play Pickleball, or just brush up on your skills before joining more advanced players, here's your chance. Join us on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle Join us for Pickleball on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
 LifeWay Explore the Bible in West Wing, room 610o Ladies Small Group Bible Study in West Wing room 6102 Students, grades 7-12 in the Family Life Center, room 5111. Sundays at 10:30 am: G-Force Kids, for grades K6-6th, begins in the Sanctuary. Kids will be dismissed to the Family Life Center gym where parents can pick them up immediately following the […]
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle Join us for Pickleball on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle If you want to learn how to play Pickleball, or just brush up on your skills before joining more advanced players, here's your chance. Join us on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
Come out for a fun day of Christmas shopping, lunch, and fellowship in Port Orange. We'll take the church van and there will be a sign-up sheet to reserve your seat. If we have more than 15 ladies interested, we will carpool. Meet at the church for a 9:30 am departure and we will depart […]
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle Join us for Pickleball on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
 LifeWay Explore the Bible in West Wing, room 610o Ladies Small Group Bible Study in West Wing room 6102 Students, grades 7-12 in the Family Life Center, room 5111. Sundays at 10:30 am: G-Force Kids, for grades K6-6th, begins in the Sanctuary. Kids will be dismissed to the Family Life Center gym where parents can pick them up immediately following the […]
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle Join us for Pickleball on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle If you want to learn how to play Pickleball, or just brush up on your skills before joining more advanced players, here's your chance. Join us on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle Join us for Pickleball on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
 LifeWay Explore the Bible in West Wing, room 610o Ladies Small Group Bible Study in West Wing room 6102 Students, grades 7-12 in the Family Life Center, room 5111. Sundays at 10:30 am: G-Force Kids, for grades K6-6th, begins in the Sanctuary. Kids will be dismissed to the Family Life Center gym where parents can pick them up immediately following the […]
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle Join us for Pickleball on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle If you want to learn how to play Pickleball, or just brush up on your skills before joining more advanced players, here's your chance. Join us on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle Join us for Pickleball on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
 LifeWay Explore the Bible in West Wing, room 610o Ladies Small Group Bible Study in West Wing room 6102 Students, grades 7-12 in the Family Life Center, room 5111. Sundays at 10:30 am: G-Force Kids, for grades K6-6th, begins in the Sanctuary. Kids will be dismissed to the Family Life Center gym where parents can pick them up immediately following the […]
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle Join us for Pickleball on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle If you want to learn how to play Pickleball, or just brush up on your skills before joining more advanced players, here's your chance. Join us on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!
Ball waving with a pickleball paddle Join us for Pickleball on our indoor court. Bring your own paddle or use one of our loaners. Everyone is welcome!