Christmas Mashup is a five-week series that looks at various passages and characters involved in the Christmas story. Pastor Clay walks us through Old and New Testament passages that are connected to the coming of the Son of God; helping us to see that there’s always something new to learn, even from a story as familiar as the Christmas story. (December 2024)

It seems these days that our consumer-driven culture rushes headlong into the Christmas season, and has all but forgotten about Thanksgiving. In this short, three-week series we’re taking a look at two particular Psalms in the Old Testament that remind us of the importance of taking time for thanksgiving to our God; not only on the fourth Thursday of November but every day of our lives. Because, Thanksgiving – It’s Not Just for Pilgrims. (November 2024)

If we’re paying attention, we can see in the Christmas story, in the Christ-child born that night, we can see a chance at something greater. In this short sermon series, we look at some of the main players surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ and see what chance they saw in His birth. (December 2023) Watch Now

A dead man walking and miraculous resurrection. (April 2023) Watch Now

This four-part Christmas series looks at passages that show us what the birth of Christ brought to the world and reminds us of why Christmas changed everything. (December 2022) Watch Now

Thanksgiving season; the time of year when an attitude of gratitude becomes the focus. As followers of Jesus, we know that we can, and should, thank God for all the blessings that we enjoy. From 1 Peter 1, Pastor Clay explores what we can thank God for, whatever the season of the year. (November 2022) Watch Now

This 2-week series looks at the sacrifice Jesus made to save the world from condemnation. (April 2021)

This 4-week Christmas series takes a look at real opportunities that individuals had at the time of Jesus’ birth to encounter life forms not from Earth; namely, angels, and the lessons that we can learn from their encounters that will help us to live for Christ today. (December 2021)

In all the list-making, shopping, decorating, and baking, have you ever stopped to consider what God wants for Christmas? (December 2020) Watch Now