Building on the Basics
This series is an in-depth study of what are known as the General Epistles of James, 1&2 Peter, 1,2,&3 John, and Jude; exploring the important themes of faith, hope, love, and judgement. Having a proper biblical understanding of these core beliefs helps us have a strong foundation to continue building our life with God. Pastor Clay helps us to gain new understanding of not only the importance of these themes found in the General Epistles, but how to make practical application from the themes found in these important books of the New Testament.

Jonah – Man on the Run
This short series through the Old Testament book of Jonah takes a look at one of God’s prophets who, rather than do what God wanted him to do, decided to, as they say, “Go on the lam.” Jonah became a man on the run; a fugitive from the will of God. Like Jonah, many people today run from God’s will, for various reasons. But, as we’ll learn from this story, you can run, but you can’t hide from the God who loves us too much to let us run too far.

The book of Mark is the shortest of the Gospel accounts, but it’s certainly not short on action. As the book moves from one action scene to the next, in the life of Jesus, we are left with no doubt that Jesus was far more than a good teacher or a great example. In this expositional study of the book of Mark, we will see the power of the Son of God on full display, and be encouraged in our faith to trust Him with everything.

In the 1970’s the band Three Dog Night famously released a hit song entitled: One is the Loneliest Number. Most of us have experienced feelings of loneliness at some point in our lives. It’s not a good feeling. In this multi-week series we take a look at men and women in the Bible who faced situations in life, seemingly, alone. We’ll discover that when we trust in God, through whatever life throws at us, we’re never really alone.

The little Old Testament book of Ruth is a story of heartache, hardships, and tragedy. But, it is also a story of love, redemption, and restoration. It reminds us that in our lives, that often contain some of the same trials and tribulations, God is still there. God is in the business of redeeming and restoring lives. This 6-week series will be an encouragement to anyone struggling with the circumstances of life.

This year-long study of the book of Revelation is broken into 6 parts: The Letters to the Seven Churches, The Seven Seal Judgements, The Seven Trumpet Judgements, The Seven Bowl Judgements, The Revelation- The Judgement of the Harlot & Babylon, and the Final Victory.

Most people are familiar with the board game; spin the dial, move around the board hoping to avoid the spaces that cost you something, keep advancing until the end. But, in the real “game” of life, nobody dodges all of the negatives. How do we navigate our way through this hectic, stressful, demanding, sometimes hurtful life with a sense of joy, peace, and victory? Is it even possible? This 20-week series takes a biblical look at what God says that it takes to win the Game of Life.

This series is based on Jesus’ teaching known as The Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew chapters 5-7. In our culture today there are more than a few misconceptions, misunderstandings, and in some cases, misinformation about what it really means to call yourself a follower of Jesus Christ. This 26-week series exposes and explodes the myths, and explores what Jesus said that it really takes to be His disciple.

Here you will find a collection of special messages for Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.